" Defending the environment
is a duty to life"

Transvecta srl si occupa di bonifiche di siti contaminati fino alla totale riqualificazione delle aree dismesse o compromesse, eroga consulenze in tema ambientale, risolve i prblemi operativi di tipo burcrtico ed è proprietaria di due impiant di recupero.
Logo transvecta


Characterization of the waste is verified by feedback with analyses performed at accredited laboratories. The whole process is aimed at offering the best technical/commercial solutions to the client.


Transvecta is qualified to carry out remediation of contaminated sites up to the total redevelopment of abandoned or compromised areas.

Waste Brokering

Brokering for waste disposal and recovery aimed at finding the best technical-economic solution on the market. We deal with all kinds and types of waste.


The company is registered in the National Register of Environmental Operators for the following categories: 4 A collection and transportation of non-hazardous special waste, 5 D collection and transportation of hazardous special waste, 8 A intermediation and trade of waste without holding the waste itself, and 9 C site reclamation.

Recovery facilities

Our recovery facilities have the most modern and advanced technologies for the treatment of special non-hazardous waste, obtaining EOW (End Off West) certificates.


Our logistics department works to offer clients the best solutions all over the country, having qualified drivers and a fleet of 60 vehicles all classified Euro 6 and authorized to transport waste.

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Transvecta SRL


rugby calvisano

Rugby calvisano

Sponsor Rugby Calvisano

Transvecta nasce nel 2015 dal connubio di due società presenti sul mercato da più di 40 anni. Transvecta è una società amministrata e gestita da uno staff di lunghissima esperienza nell’ambito del trasporto conto terzi di rifiuti non pericolosi e pericolosi, nella gestione delle Bonifiche Ambientali e nella Gestione degli smaltimenti di Rifiuti Pericolosi e non pericolosi. La nostra principale missione è considerare i Clienti come veri e propri partner. Oltre a essere certificata ISO 14001, ISO 45001 e ISO 9001, può vantare iscrizioni all’Albo Nazionale Gestori Ambientali per il trasporto di rifiuti pericolosi e non, quali le categorie 4/A e 5/D, categoria 8/A per l’intermediazione rifiuti, categoria 9/C per attività di bonifica dei siti e infine categoria 10B/C per le attività di bonifica di beni contenenti amianto.

Transvecta was established in 2015 through the merger of two companies with a presence in the market for over 40 years. Transvecta is a company managed and operated by a team with extensive experience in the field of third-party transport of non-hazardous and hazardous waste, in the management of Environmental Remediation, and in the management of the disposal of Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste. Our main mission is to consider our clients as true partners. In addition to being certified ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and ISO 9001, it can boast significant registrations with the National Register of Environmental Operators for waste transport, including categories 4/A and 5/D, category 8/B for intermediation, category 8/A for intermediation, and finally category 9/C for site reclamation activities. Transvecta provides its services through a fleet of vehicles that, in accordance with company policy, comply with all the latest regulations regarding pollution, with access to over 60 road hauliers, operational vehicles, and Euro 6 4-axle vehicles. The fleet is complemented by semi-trailers adaptable to any operational need. Subsequently, Transvecta acquired Recupera S.R.L., a company authorized for the Recovery of non-hazardous waste with an annual capacity of 300,000 tons, and Genesi S.R.L., also authorized for the Recovery of non-hazardous waste with an annual capacity of 98,000 tons. Over time, Transvecta has further developed its intermediation activities for waste disposal and recovery, starting from simple consultancy and moving on to sampling with specialized technicians for waste of all kinds and types. Waste characterization is verified through feedback with analyses conducted at accredited laboratories to achieve the goal of satisfying clients by proposing the best technical-commercial solutions, delivering the finished work to perfection. For the transport, recovery, and disposal of waste, it has commercial partners who offer their availability for reserved spaces at competitive and exclusive prices, providing access to the final destination facilities for the waste.

Get in touch.

We will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible. Usually within 24/72 hours in order of arrival. If you have urgencies, we recommend you to contact us by phone.

Sponsor Rugby Calvisano